The Big 230
Composers:- Sholle, Emil
THE BIG 230 is a collection of short studies that are designed for speed and accuracy. They are based on the RUDIMENTS OF DRUMMING by Emil Sholle. Rudiments included: 5 Stroke Roll; Flam and the Flam Tap; Flamacue; Flam Paradiddle; Five Stroke Rolls with Flams; Seven Stroke Roll; Flam Accent; Nine Stroke Roll; Ruff; Single Drag; Double Drag; Single Ratamacue; Double Ratamacue; Triple Ratamacue; 13 Stroke Roll; Single Paradiddle; Double Paradiddle; Drag Paradiddle.
12300104 / 36-12300104 The Big 230 for Snare Drum, Book $13.00Buy Now