Alarm: The Call To Duty (In Memory of the Heroes of 9/11) for Wind Ensemble

  • Sanders, Greg
Detailed Instrumentation: Wind Ensemble
Duration: 5

Respetfully dedicated to the Heroes of 9/11, "Alarm: The Call to Duty" is written in memory of the Men and Women of the uniformed public services of New York City that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. These Firemen and Policemen risked their lives daily, but on that one day, many answered their last call in the ultimate sacrifice that truly symbolizes the adage: Duty, Honor and Country. The work consists of alternating musical sections of dramatic and cathartic musical materials that culminate in a dramatic fashion as diverse voices join in with the final chorus.


  • S1001FS / 369008 ALARM CALL TO DUTY WE FS $25.00Buy Now
  • S1001CB / 369007 ALARM CALL TO DUTY WE SCPTS $95.00Buy Now

Alarm: The Call To Duty (In Memory of the Heroes of 9/11) for Wind Ensemble

  • Sanders, Greg
Detailed Instrumentation: Wind Ensemble
Duration: 5

Respetfully dedicated to the Heroes of 9/11, “Alarm: The Call to Duty” is written in memory of the Men and Women of the uniformed public services of New York City that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. These Firemen and Policemen risked their lives daily, but on that one day, many answered their last call in the ultimate sacrifice that truly symbolizes the adage: Duty, Honor and Country. The work consists of alternating musical sections of dramatic and cathartic musical materials that culminate in a dramatic fashion as diverse voices join in with the final chorus.


  • S1001FS / 369008 ALARM CALL TO DUTY WE FS $25.00Buy Now
  • S1001CB / 369007 ALARM CALL TO DUTY WE SCPTS $95.00Buy Now

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