Powhatan’s Daughter

  • Sousa, John Philip
  • Schissel, Loras John
Detailed Instrumentation: Concert Band
Duration: 3

Powhatan’s Daughter March (pronounced “POW-uh-tan”), was composed between 1906 and 1907. Although informally written in honor of Pocahontas, the march’s inherent character probably informed Sousa’s decision to call his new creation Powhatan’s Daughter.The march was officially premiered by the Sousa Band on August 10, 1907 at Asbury Park, NJ. The present edition, prepared by Sousa Scholar Loras John Schissel, recreates the composer’s own unique performance practices of this great march.


  • 50105108 / 36-50105108 POWHATAN’S DAUGHTE FS $12.00Buy Now
  • 50100108 / 36-50100108 POWHATAN’S DAUGHTER PTS $80.00Buy Now

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