Also Sprach Zarathustra Op. 3

  • Strauss, Richard
  • Rogers, R. Mark
Detailed Instrumentation: Concert Band
Duration: 2

Strauss took the title “Also Sprach Zarathustra” from the highly controversial book of the same name by Friedrich Nietzsche for this forward-looking tone-poem. This piece, although written in a passionately Romantic vein, is one of Strauss’ most cerebral scores and has long been a favorite of conductors and other composers. It was famously used in the Stanley Kubrick feature film entitles “2001: A Space Odyssey”, and is so synonymous with that movie that is has become known as the “Fanfare from 2001”. Strauss explores the contrast between the tonalities of C and B. Some bands may find the range called for in the brasses to be extreme with resultant faulty intonation. This edition provides for two versions of this music, one in the original key of C and one down a whole step in B-flat, allowing the conductur to decide which version best suits the needs of the ensemble.


  • RMR25CB / 3772169 ALSO SPRACH ZARATHUSTRA OP 3 $85.00Buy Now
  • RMR25FS / 3772170 ALSO SPRACH ZARATHUSTRA OP. 3 $9.50Buy Now

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