Second Suite for Band

  • McBeth, W Francis
Detailed Instrumentation: Concert Band
Duration: 6

The Second Suite for Band was written in 1961 for the Camden, Arkansas, High School band. It is in three movements, each designated to express a form of physical motion, as in Gigue, Dirge and Entry. The Gigue should be performed in a joyous mood of the dance, with the Dirge in the somber contrast of a funeral march. The Entry should be approached as any ceremonial processional.


  • S139CB / 3776620 SECOND (2ND) SUITE FOR $139.95Buy Now
  • S139FS / 3776622 SECOND SUITE FOR BAND FS $15.00Buy Now
  • S139CS / 3776621 SECOND SUITE FOR BAND $6.00Buy Now

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