Polyeucte Overture

  • Dukas, Paul
Detailed Instrumentation: 2.2+EH.2+BCl.3: Timp: Hp: Str(9-8-7-6-5)
Duration: 15

The earliest surviving orchestral work by Paul Dukas, the twenty-five-year old composer was inspired by one of the tragedies of Pierre Corneille that deals with the story of Polyeucte, a third-century Roman who was a martyr to the campaign of persecution of Christians. Dukas’ piece is a fifteen-minute overture to the play. The work premiered on January 23, 1892 at the Concerts Lamoureux, though the score was not published until 1910.


  • A612601 / 36-A612601 POLYEUCTE OVERTURE FS $30.00Buy Now
  • A612602 / 36-A612602 Polyeucte Overture ScPts $125.00Buy Now

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