And the River: Concerto for Duo-Pianists and Large Chamber Orchestra

  • Crockett, Donald
Detailed Instrumentation: Piano Soloists (9\’ Concert Grand, two toy grand pianos): 1.1 (dbl Eng Hn).2 (dbl Bs Cl).1: Perc (2): Str
Duration: 19

“At that instant he saw, in one blaze of light, the reason why the artist works and lives and has his being… It is to snare the spirits of mankind in nets of magic, the congruence of blazing and enchanted images, the essential pattern whence all other things proceed…” – Thomas Wolfe, Of Time and the River. Versions for smaller and larger chamber ensembles are available for rent from the publisher.


  • X074076 / 303974 AND THE RIVER- LARGE FS $120.00Buy Now
  • R01590 / 304087 AND THE RIVER- LARGE, SC/PTS RENTALBuy Now

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