Allegro for Double Orchestra from the Responsory Domine ad adjuvandum me festina

  • Vivaldi, Antonio
  • Sieving, Robert
Detailed Instrumentation: String Orchestra
Duration: 3

Robert Sieving’s arrangement of Allegro for Double Strings by Antonio Vivaldi, RV593, originally a motet featuring the vocal setting of Psalm 69 for soprano, 2 oboes, 2 SATB choirs, and double string orchestra, provides the opportunity for two orchestras to perform in opposition and have a musical conversation through fugal writing. Sieving has maintained Vivaldi’s writing and sound, as the two orchestras battle it out to be the reigning orchestra. Each orchestra and section have interesting parts, with string crossings, minimal shifting, stylistic Baroque bow use, and call and response sections, or echo sections. Invite a neighboring orchestra to perform this wonderful piece or divide your orchestra in two.


  • SO164FS / 820189 ALLEGRO DOMINE FS $9.00Buy Now
  • SO164C / 820188 ALLEGRO DOMINE SCPTS $55.00Buy Now

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