
Founded in 1926, Edwin F. Kalmus is the oldest reprint publisher in the United States.  Previously located in Boca Raton, FL, the company was moved to Jacksonville in 2018, and sold to Keiser Productions Inc. in 2020.  In addition to the well-known and improved reprint catalog, new series and editions are also being developed.

Cantata No. 140: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140

  • Bach, Johann Sebastian (J.S.)
  • Rust, Wilhelm
Detailed Instrumentation: Soli STB: Mixed SATB Chor: Piano
Duration: 35

Johann Sebastian Bach’s (1685-1750) composed his chorale CANTATA No. 140, WACHET AUF, RUFT UNS DIE STIMME (Awake, calls the voice to us), BWV 140, also known as SLEEPERS AWAKE, for the 27th Sunday after Trinity, and it was first performed at Thomaskirche in Leipzig on November 25, 1731. Considered to be one of his most mature and popular sacred cantatas, the seven-movement work sets to music the three-stanza hymn "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" by Philipp Nicolai, which addresses the prescribed reading for that Sunday, the parable of the Ten Virgins, while an anonymous author supplies additional text based on the love poetry of the Song of Songs for the middle movements. This edition by Wilhelm Rust was published as part of the Bach Gesellschaft Ausgabe (Bach Society Edition) collection.


  • A253046 / 36-A253046 CANTATA NO. 140: WACHET AUF Hpcrd/Org Pt $15.00Buy Now
  • A253001 / 36-A253001 CANTATA NO. 140: WACHET AUF FS $20.00Buy Now
  • A253002 / 36-A253002 Cantata No. 140: Wachet Auf Sc/Pts $50.00Buy Now
  • A253091 / 36-A253091 CANTATA NO. 140: WACHET AUF VS $7.50Buy Now

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