
Founded in 1926, Edwin F. Kalmus is the oldest reprint publisher in the United States.  Previously located in Boca Raton, FL, the company was moved to Jacksonville in 2018, and sold to Keiser Productions Inc. in 2020.  In addition to the well-known and improved reprint catalog, new series and editions are also being developed.

Apres un Reve, Op. 7, No. 1

  • Faure, Gabriel-Urbain
  • Busser, Henri
Detailed Instrumentation: Str ( in set): Solo Mz or Bar
Duration: 4

APR�S UN R�VE (AFTER A DREAM) was originally part of a collection of three songs, titled TROIS M�LODIES Op. 7, written for voice and piano by Gabriel Faur� (1845-1924). While APR�S UN R�VE is No. 1 in the collection, it was actually written last, in 1877, while No. 2 (HYMNE) was written in 1870, and No. 3 (BARCAROLLE) was written in 1873. The text is taken from an anonymous Italian poem adapted into French by Romain Bussine. The poem describes the dream of a flight with a lover away from earth. Upon awakening, the dreamer longs to return to their dream. Henri B�sser made this arrangement for medium voice and orchestra. Instrumentation: Str ( in set): Solo Mz or Bar.


  • A400590 / 36-A400590 Apres un Reve, Op. 7, No. 1 Sc/Pts $30.00Buy Now
  • A400599 / 36-A400599 APRES UN REVE, OP. 7, NO. 1 FS $3.00Buy Now

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