
Founded in 1926, Edwin F. Kalmus is the oldest reprint publisher in the United States.  Previously located in Boca Raton, FL, the company was moved to Jacksonville in 2018, and sold to Keiser Productions Inc. in 2020.  In addition to the well-known and improved reprint catalog, new series and editions are also being developed.

Canon and Gigue (Seiffert)

  • Pachelbel, Johann
  • Seiffert, Max
Detailed Instrumentation: Str (3 Vn pts – 3-3-3-0-3-0): Hpchd in Sc
Duration: 6

Originally written in between 1680 and 1706, Johann Pachelbel�s (1653-1706) famous canon, Canon in D is often paired with a gigue. Both movements are in the key of D major. Though Pachelbel�s Canon and Gigue remain in obscurity for centuries, it regained popularity in 1968 with a recording by the Jean-Fran�ois Paillard chamber orchestra and has countiued popularity. This edition is by Max Seiffert. Instrumentation: Str (3 Vn pts – 3-3-3-0-3-0): Hpchd in Sc.


  • A111490 / 36-A111490 CANON AND GIGUE, Sc/pts $35.00Buy Now
  • A111401 / 36-A111401 CANON AND GIGUE, FS $8.00Buy Now

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