
Founded in 1926, Edwin F. Kalmus is the oldest reprint publisher in the United States.  Previously located in Boca Raton, FL, the company was moved to Jacksonville in 2018, and sold to Keiser Productions Inc. in 2020.  In addition to the well-known and improved reprint catalog, new series and editions are also being developed.

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Composer: Beethoven, Ludwig van
High Voice

A275602 / 36-A275602 $50.00Buy Now
Composer: Faure, Gabriel-Urbain
Arranger: Busser, Henri
Medium Voice

A400590 / 36-A400590 $30.00Buy Now
Composer: Schubert, Franz
Arranger: Ryden, William
High Voice

A833890 / 36-A833890 $50.00Buy Now
Composer: Schubert, Franz
Arranger: Ryden, William
Low Voice

A833790 / 36-A833790 $50.00Buy Now
Composer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
High Voice

A292302 / 36-A292302 $45.00Buy Now
Composer: Dvorak, Antonin
Arranger: Burghauser, Jarmil – Hanus, Jan – Zemanek, Vilem – Dvorak, Antonin – Cubr, Antonin
Low Voice

A748102 / 36-A748102 $85.00Buy Now
Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian (J.S.)
Arranger: Raphael, Gunter – Seiffert, Max – Rust, Wilhelm – Todt, Bernhard
Cantata/ Oratorio

A250702 / 36-A250702 $30.00Buy Now
Composer: Duparc, Henri
Arranger: Breville, Pierre de
Medium Voice

A877902 / 36-A877902 $25.00Buy Now

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