
A premiere educational catalog, LudwigMasters Publications offers music suitable for all stages of development.  Along with Edwin F. Kalmus & Co., LudwigMasters was purchased by Keiser Productions in 2020.

Technical Growth for the Bassoonist

  • Siennicki, Edmund J.
Detailed Instrumentation: Bassoon

This book is intended for serious bassoon students, instrumental music teachers, and conductors of orchestras and bands. Basic principles of fingering and basic facts regarding the mechanical peculiarities of the bassoon are presented in a form which hastens the technical progress of the student or is a convenient reference source for the conductor and teacher. Included: a basic fingering chart; special fingerings to make ‘impossible’ passages more playable; a trill chart; eleven etudes to address technical problems confronted in the standard literature, various rhythms, articulations, keys styles, scales, arpeggios, phrasings, meters, and tenor clef.


  • 10300170 / 36-10300170 Technical Growth for the Bassoonist Bk $9.95Buy Now

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