
Southern Music is a leading educational and concert music publisher, having published thousands of titles, while maintaining a long list of standard school and concert repertoire for band, chamber groups, individual instruments, orchestra, choral and vocal forces.

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Composer: McEntyre, J.R. – Haines, Harry
Arranger: Rhodes, Tom
Concert Band

B323SC / 3770465 $54.99Buy Now
Composer: Haines, Harry – McEntyre, J.R.
Arranger: Rhodes, Tom
Concert Band

B378SC / 3770575 $59.99Buy Now
Composer: Barnes, James
Concert Band

R138 / 3772288 RENTALBuy Now
Composer: Hanson, Robert
Concert Band

S464CB / 3777224 $149.95Buy Now
Composer: Garner, Gary
Concert Band

S989CB / 348229 $65.00Buy Now
Composer: Grainger, Percy Aldridge
Arranger: Rogers, R. Mark
Wind Ensemble

RMR16CB / 3772148 $120.00Buy Now
Composer: Barnes, James
Concert Band

S948CB / 172764 $75.00Buy Now
Composer: Boyer, Thornton Barnes
Arranger: Barnes, James
Concert Band

S678 / 3778036 $85.00Buy Now
Composer: Gallagher, Charles
Concert Band

S700CB / 3778124 $130.00Buy Now
Composer: Barnes, James
Concert Band

S949CB / 172766 $75.00Buy Now

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