
Southern Music is a leading educational and concert music publisher, having published thousands of titles, while maintaining a long list of standard school and concert repertoire for band, chamber groups, individual instruments, orchestra, choral and vocal forces.

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Composer: Erck, Marc
Bass Chorus

SC608 / 3773136 $1.99Buy Now
Composer: Callaway, Kat
Bass Chorus

SC785 / 3773331 $1.95Buy Now
Composer: Riley, Shari
Bass Chorus

SC655 / 3773188 $1.00Buy Now
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Bass Chorus

SC740 / 3773281 $2.00Buy Now
Composer: Samaniego, Omar
Arranger: Samaniego, Jennifer
Bass Chorus

SC807 / 3773355 $2.00Buy Now
Composer: Riley, Shari
Bass Chorus

SC632 / 3773163 $1.95Buy Now
Composer: Siltman, Bobby
Bass Chorus

SC241 / 3772721 $2.00Buy Now
Composer: Farnell, Laura
Bass Chorus

SC787 / 3773333 $1.95Buy Now
Composer: Gove, Elizabeth
Bass Chorus

SC584 / 3773109 $1.95Buy Now
Composer: Juneau, Thomas
Bass Chorus

SC682 / 3773218 $1.95Buy Now

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