
Southern Music is a leading educational and concert music publisher, having published thousands of titles, while maintaining a long list of standard school and concert repertoire for band, chamber groups, individual instruments, orchestra, choral and vocal forces.

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Composer: Barnes, James
Concert Band

S677CB / 3778033 $130.00Buy Now
Composer: Del Borgo, Elliot
Concert Band

S779CB / 3778447 $75.00Buy Now
Composer: Nelson, Norman
Concert Band

S960CB / 236115 $70.00Buy Now
Composer: Mairs, David
Concert Band

S943CB / 172743 $80.00Buy Now
Composer: Barnes, James
Concert Band

S690CB / 3778082 $145.00Buy Now
Composer: Ragsdale, Van
Concert Band

S735 / 3778269 $50.00Buy Now
Composer: Bruckner, Anton
Arranger: Falcone, Nicholas
Concert Band

R48 / 3772453 RENTALBuy Now
Composer: Adams, Dan
Concert Band

S1028CB / 1240600 $50.00Buy Now
Composer: Dett, Robert Nathaniel
Arranger: Perna, Dana – Rogers, Mark
Concert Band

S975CB / 277827 $65.00Buy Now
Composer: Edmondson, John
Concert Band

S576CB / 3777649 $124.95Buy Now

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