
Southern Music is a leading educational and concert music publisher, having published thousands of titles, while maintaining a long list of standard school and concert repertoire for band, chamber groups, individual instruments, orchestra, choral and vocal forces.

Fireworks Fantasy, Op. 4

  • Stravinsky, Igor
  • Rogers, R. Mark
Detailed Instrumentation: Concert Band
Duration: 4

An early work written in 1908 while the composer was still studying with Rimsky-Korsakov, “Fireworks” is dedicated to his teacher’s daught Nadia and her husband Maximilian Steinberg, and gave the young composer his first experience in the handling of a large orchestra. Though lasting less than four minutes, “Fireworks” has an importance altogether beyond its intrinsic merits; for it is the work which, at its premiere in 1909, first drew Diaghilev’s attention to Stravinsky and so led to the lenghthy collaboration which produced such masterpieces of bellet as “The Firebird”, “Petrouchka”, and “The Rite of Spring”.


  • RMR1CB / 3772127 FIREWORKS OP 4 (P.O.D $130.00Buy Now

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