
Southern Music is a leading educational and concert music publisher, having published thousands of titles, while maintaining a long list of standard school and concert repertoire for band, chamber groups, individual instruments, orchestra, choral and vocal forces.

Ten Short Jazz Chorales

  • Mahaffey, Jim
Detailed Instrumentation: Jazz Band Method

Each of these 10 short jazz chorales for warm-up/tune-up focuses on a specific jazz style or musicianship skill. Chorales titles: 1. Fourths, 2. Pitch-Matching, 3. Modal Waltz, 4. Full Circle with Sax Unison, 5. Bone-Modale, 6. Cool Bossa, 7. Lip-Slur Chromatic, 8. It’s the Bb Gospel, 9. Sambanice, 10. Trumpet-Tune


  • O44FS / 3772079 TEN SHORT CHORALES FS $10.00Buy Now
  • O44 / 3772080 TEN SHORT CHORALES $70.00Buy Now

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