Chicken Cha Cha

  • Sharp, Thom
Detailed Instrumentation: String Orchestra
Duration: 3

Chicken Cha Cha for string orchestra delightfully expresses a day in a chicken�s life, including the creative musical description of chickens running in the coop via dissonant eighth notes. All instruments have interesting parts to play, which represent different �chickens� dancing the Chicken Cha Cha. Through staccatos, dynamics, grace notes, precision counting, scales, instruments calling and responding to each other, and a legato passage, Thom Sharp�s creative Chicken Cha Cha provides a fun piece to reinforce orchestral technique at a Level 3.


  • 50250185 / 36-50250185 Chicken Cha Cha ScPts $50.00Buy Now
  • 50255185 / 36-50255185 CHICKEN CHA CHA FS $7.00Buy Now

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