- Chamber Music
Music is a Dream for Oboe, Cello and Piano
Composers:- Adolphe, Bruce
Duration: 10
The title is a quote from Alice Herz-Sommer (1903-2006), to whose memory this piece is dedicated. Alice Herz was born in Prague to Jewish parents who ran a cultural salon, giving her the opportunity to meet luminaries such as Mahler, Freud, and Kafka, among others. At age five, alice began to study piano and became a concert pianist, but her career was cut short by the Nazis, who did not allow Jews to perform or teach non-Jews. In 1943, she, with her husband and son, were sent to the Czech city of Terezin, which was setup as a Nazi propaganda site to show how well Jews were treated. Inmates were allowed, then, to stage concerts in which Alice frequently starred during her two-year stay. Bruce Adolphe, inspired by a YouTube video of Alice Herz-Sommer playing Chopin’s Waltz in c-sharp minor, Opus 64, No. 2, included some quotes of the waltz in MUSIC IS A DREAM.
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